20 Apr Holes Be Gone! How to Manage Erosion

Behind any green, luscious and healthy field of natural grass turf, there's a dedicated management crew that's tasked with maintaining it so it's picture perfect anytime there's a game scheduled. And proper care and maintenance is no easy task in a perfect world, but it can become even more difficult when various intangibles are at play. In this post, we're going to discuss some of the key athletic field care challenges that turf management professionals regularly encounter on natural grass fields.
Nobody wants to play golf on a course that’s brown or patchy with grass. And while some turfgrass care tips are obvious (i.e., watering and fertilizing), there are some other hacks that groundskeepers have picked up along the way. Let’s take a closer look at some of the turfgrass tips you need to know—from the basics to some other pointers you may not have heard of.
As the winter weather rolls in and all of us that reside in colder temps take a break from outdoor turfgrass management, it doesn’t mean it’s the time to get lazy. There is work that can be performed indoors and research that can be done to prepare for the upcoming spring. And when it comes to turfgrass, the work to create ideal turfgrass never stops!